
Post Kyoto

So called “Post Kyoto” or “Post Kyoto Protocol” is a attempt for greenhouse gas emission reduction after 1st commitment period (2008-2012) under UNFCCC, which is still under discussion among the concerning parties.

Concerns over the seriousness of climate change caused by anthropologic greenhouse gasses emission had amplified and UN, in conjunction with World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and International Council for Science (ICSU), held a conference in 1985 to assess the role of man-made greenhouse gasses and their impacts. Since then, series of meetings were conveyed, which leads to the establishment of UNFCCC and subsequent Kyoto Protocol. Brief history of meeting to date are as follows:

To date, no definite decision has been made for the post-Kyoto era; however, some key elements for the subsequent period has been agreed, including loan scheme, standardized baseline, and eligibility of CSS (Carbon Capture & Storage). Moreover, it is also agreed to establish new market based mechanism for the years after 2013. 

In COP13/MOP3 meeting held in Bali, Indonesia in 2007, new targets for emission reduction by the developed countries and AWG for NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) were established. From those negotiations, the Copenhagen Accord was adopted as ‘take note’ in the COP15 held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009. In the Cancun Agreement adopted in the COP16 held in Cancun, Mexico in 2010, it was found that ‘a decision will be made to consider the establishment of new market based mechanism’ in the COP17 which will be held in Durban, South Africa in December 2011.

New Mechanisms
Parties belong to Conference of Parties (COP) have agreed to set up an Add-hoc Working Group (AWG) with purpose of setting up new target of GHG emission reduction for developed/industrialized parties after 2013 as well as to start negotiating National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in under developing countries at COP13 in Bali, Indonesia in 2007. Findings from negotiations at the AWG above were sent to COP15 and the parties attended to COP15 agreed to take note “Copenhagen Accord” in 2010. Then Parties joined to COP16 adopted Cancun Agreements, in which they agreed to “decide to start negotiating for establishment of new market mechanism at COP17 to be held in Durban, South Africa on December 2011”, of which details are as ;

Paragraph 80
Decided to consider the establishment, at the seventeenth session of the conference of the parties, of one of more market-based mechanisms to enhance the cost effectiveness of, and to promote mitigation actions, taking into account as follows ;

a.Ensuring voluntary participation of Parties, supported by the promotion of fair and equitable access for all Parties
b. Complementing other means of support for nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties.
c. Stimulating mitigation across broad segments of the economy;
d.Safeguarding environmental integrity
e.Ensuring a net decrease and/or avoidance of global greenhouse gas emission.
f. Assisting developed country Parties to meet part of their mitigation targets, while ensuring that the use of such a
   mechanism or mechanisms is supplemental to domestic mitigation efforts;
g. Ensuring good governance and robust market functioning and regulation 

While in accordance with Copenhagen Accord, there are 44 countries submitted their National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) to UNFCCC as of March 08, 2010 and indicated their sectoral mitigation actions and target. In Copenhagen Accord, they defined that all NAMAs to be implemented by developing countries shall be measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) and MRV was defined to be comply with international standard under Cancun Agreement at COP16 .

In cancun agreement they refer MRV as

Paragraph 61
"Also decides that internationally supported mitigation actions will be measured, reported and verified domestically and will be subject to international measurement, reporting and verification in accordance with guidelines to be developed under the COIWCIIII011;"

Meetings for NAMAs and MRV after COP16


3rd Session 
1-7 October 2011 
Panama City, Panama  
2nd Session
7-17 June, 2011
Bonn, Germany   
1st Session 
5-8 April, 2011
Bangkok, Thailand

Documents released by UNFCCC

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